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Start-Up Activity
Ask students about the life of a sock:
Where do you get your socks every morning? (From the drawer)
Where do they go next? (On my feet)
Where do your feet take your socks? (To school and back)
Where do your socks go at the end of the day? (In the laundry)
Where do your socks go after they are clean? (In the drawer)
Let them know they have just told a circle story, a story that circles back to where it began. This chapter will help them tell more fun circle stories.
Think About It
“Just about every story I have ever written has started out as an idea in my notebook.”
—Roald Dahl

Start-Up Activity
Ask students about the life of a sock:
Where do you get your socks every morning? (From the drawer)
Where do they go next? (On my feet)
Where do your feet take your socks? (To school and back)
Where do your socks go at the end of the day? (In the laundry)
Where do your socks go after they are clean? (In the drawer)
Let them know they have just told a circle story, a story that circles back to where it began. This chapter will help them tell more fun circle stories.
Think About It
“Just about every story I have ever written has started out as an idea in my notebook.”
—Roald Dahl