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32 Making Shape Poems


Making Shape Poems

Start-Up Activity

Ask student to close their eyes and picture the most beautiful letter of the alphabet. Ask them to think about what makes that letter the most beautiful. Tell them to think about the shape of the letter and get a very clear picture in their heads. Then have have them open their eyes.

Ask for volunteers to come to the board to draw the most beautiful letter. After each volunteer does so, invite the person to say what makes the shape so beautiful.

Point out to students that letters and words have meanings, sounds, and shapes. When students are creating poems, they get to play with all three parts. In this chapter, they will explore how the shape of words connects to their sounds and meanings.

Think About It

“I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music.”

—Joan Miro


Page 161 from Write Away

Sample Shape Poem

Use the model on this page to show one way to make a shape poem—outlining the shape that is described. Help students understand that first they should focus on the words, making them truly descriptive in meaning and sound. Then they should mold the words around the shape.

State Standard Reference:
LAFS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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Page 162 from Write Away

Sample Shape Poem

Use this page to demonstrate another type of shape poem, with the words poured within. Point out to students how the words not only fill the shape, but also use spacing and capital letters to playfully depict these roly-poly penguins.

State Standard Reference:
LAFS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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Page 163 from Write Away

Writing a Shape Poem

To start, students need to select a topic that has a specific shape. Have them think about objects they like to look at or play with and select one for a topic.

Then have students draw the object and gather many types of details about it: thoughts, feelings, and sensations.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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Page 164 from Write Away


Use this page to help students draft their poems, using their best ideas.

Once they have an initial draft, tell them to draw the shape that they will use, remembering that they can trace their poem around the shape or pour their words within it. Have them combine the words with the drawing to create their shape poems.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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Page 165 from Write Away

Revise and Edit

Lead your students through the tips on page 165 to help them improve their shape poems. Provide the revising and editing checklists to guide their work.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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