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10 Publishing Your Writing


Publishing Your Writing Opening Page

Start-Up Activity

Have a few volunteers share stories about themselves, a family member, or a pet. Point out that everyone likes to tell and hear a good story. In a way, stories make the world go around.

Publishing is simply an extension of the human need to share stories, especially for young learners. Read and discuss the introduction. Then, if possible, share examples of published writing from students from previous years.

Think About It

“Take your time and don’t expect to write perfect stories.”

—Bruce Brooks

State Standards Covered in This Chapter

LAFS Covered in This Chapter

TEKS Covered in This Chapter

TEKS Covered in This Chapter

Page 047 from Write Away

Publishing Ideas

Review the publishing ideas on this page. Ask students if they have already tried some of these ideas and which ones interest them now. Introduce an upcoming writing project that will conclude with published work.

State Standard Reference:
LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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21st Century Skills:
English Language Arts:

Page 048 from Write Away

Adding Pictures

The next two pages show examples of pictures accompanying student writing. Point out that the picture on page 48 enhances the information in the poem. Also note how the placement of the picture, along the side of the poem, makes for an effective overall composition.

Page 49 shows one page from a picture book. Explain to students that when they create a picture book, they must plan what, and how many, pictures they should include based on the information in the story. If possible, show example picture books from previous years.

State Standard Reference:
LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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21st Century Skills:
English Language Arts:

Page 050 from Write Away

Binding a Book

The next two pages give guidelines for binding a book and example pages from different books. Discuss the shapes of the books on page 50; then review the steps in the book-binding process. Again, show example books, if possible. Page 51 shows an example cover and title page that students can use as models. You may also have other example pages to share.

State Standard Reference:
LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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21st Century Skills:
English Language Arts: