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Start-Up Activity
When editing, your students' primary purpose is to make their writing clear and reader friendly. Students should focus on the correctness of their writing after they have worked on drafting and revising their writing.
As practice, display the two groups of words below and ask students to help you check each one for errors.
- some bears each fish?
- what do you eat.
Afterward, inform students that checking for errors is the fourth step in the writing process. Then read and discuss page 44. During your discussion, ask students why editing is important.
Think About It
“The period is the red light at the end of a sentence.”
—Patricia T. O’Conner
Start-Up Activity
When editing, your students' primary purpose is to make their writing clear and reader friendly. Students should focus on the correctness of their writing after they have worked on drafting and revising their writing.
As practice, display the two groups of words below and ask students to help you check each one for errors.
- some bears each fish?
- what do you eat.
Afterward, inform students that checking for errors is the fourth step in the writing process. Then read and discuss page 44. During your discussion, ask students why editing is important.
Think About It
“The period is the red light at the end of a sentence.”
—Patricia T. O’Conner