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08 Getting Help from a Partner


Getting Help from a Partner Opening Page

Start-Up Activity

Read and discuss this introductory page. Then implement the following role-playing activity:

  • Ask for two student volunteers to carry out the activity.
  • Have student #1 play the role of someone who can’t think of a writing topic.
  • Have student #2 ask questions to help student #1 find a topic. Here are questions that student #2 can ask: What things do you like to do on weekends? Can you tell me about one of them? Can you tell me about a very happy day?
  • Finally, consider having other pairs of students carry out the same activity.

Think About It

“Listen carefully. That’s important. But I believe there are other main ingredients in a good group besides the ability to listen: [such as] to make positive comments before negative ones.”

—Jane Yolen

State Standards Covered in This Chapter

LAFS Covered in This Chapter

TEKS Covered in This Chapter

TEKS Covered in This Chapter

Page 041 from Write Away

Working Together

Review these guidelines for working together in a writing group. Then demonstrate revising with a partner with this activity:

  • Have a volunteer read aloud a first draft. (Display the first draft for the rest of the class.)
  • Identify parts you like and ask questions about parts that might need work.
  • Work together to find ways to improve the text.

You might also complete either of the response sheets from pages 42-43 to show students how written responses work.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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21st Century Skills:
English Language Arts:

Page 042 from Write Away

Sharing Your ideas

Pages 42 and 43 provide example response sheets that students can use, but only after you demonstrate how to use them. For the simple response sheet on page 42, students identify one part (sentence) they like and one question they have. Have students use this response sheet early in the year. The detailed response sheet on page 43 is more complex and should be used later in the year.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

Related Resource Tags

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21st Century Skills:
English Language Arts: