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37 Reading New Words


Reading New Words

Start-Up Activity

Display the following sentences for students. Provide time for them to attempt to read the sentences aloud.

  • The clumsy cat tumbled off the countertop.
  • He popped back up without injury.
  • Jill giggled at the humorous creature.

If any students had trouble pronouncing the underlined words, tell them they are about to learn ways to read and understand difficult words. Then review the first strategy: Listen for sounds. Have a volunteer read aloud two of the underlined words little by little. 

Think About It

“All my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.”

—Ernest Hemingway

Page 189 from Write Away

Look for parts you know.

Have students practice using parts to read aloud this list of words. (Provide students with time to read the words aloud.)

  • Main
  • Remain
  • Complain

Look for syllables.

Have students practice using syllables to read aloud this list of words. (Provide students with time to read the words aloud.)

  • Mouthful
  • Uniform
  • Formation
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Page 190 from Write Away

Look for prefixes, suffixes, and base words.

Make sure students understand the meaning of the three word parts.

  • A base word is the main part of a word.
  • A prefix comes before the base word and changes its meaning.
  • A suffix comes after the base word and changes its meaning.

Have students read the following words aloud. Then see if they can identify the different parts of each word.

  • inside
  • bicycle
  • bicycling

Look for compound words.

Have students read the following words out loud. Then see if they can identify the two words that make up the compound word.

  • moonlight
  • without
  • footprint
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Page 191 from Write Away

Check for meaning.

Read aloud the tips for checking a new word's meaning. Tell students that they can use surrounding words and sentences to help them understand the new words they encounter during reading.

For practice, have students read the sample paragraph on page 67 or another sample reading. Ask them to mark new or unfamiliar words and use the strategies on this page to help them read and understand the words.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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