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Start-Up Activity
Display the word “pattern.” Ask students to try to explain the term. Most students will explain it as a type of design as you would find in fabric. Inform them that the word has a second definition—a guide to making something.
Explain that people follow patterns to make many different things like clothes and models. Tell students that writing follows patterns, too, and they will learn about four writing patterns in this chapter. Read about the first pattern—time order—on page 66. Ask students if they have ever used this pattern.
Think About It
“Writing and tree houses have this in common: They both must have a strong frame.”
—Dave Kemper

Start-Up Activity
Display the word “pattern.” Ask students to try to explain the term. Most students will explain it as a type of design as you would find in fabric. Inform them that the word has a second definition—a guide to making something.
Explain that people follow patterns to make many different things like clothes and models. Tell students that writing follows patterns, too, and they will learn about four writing patterns in this chapter. Read about the first pattern—time order—on page 66. Ask students if they have ever used this pattern.
Think About It
“Writing and tree houses have this in common: They both must have a strong frame.”
—Dave Kemper