Thoughtful Learning is a team of teachers, writers, and designers committed to bringing you high-quality teaching materials. You may know us by one of our other names—Write Source or UpWrite Press. By whatever name, we’re the same core team that has been working for 40 years to help you and your students. Check out our time line:

The authors update The Writing Spot, giving kindergartners many fun pages on which to write, draw, color, and learn.

A new edition of the colorful Write One encourages first graders to write about themselves and their world, with a skillsbook for extra practice with letters, words, sentences, and punctuation.

Online writing units use instruction, examples, models, activities, and interactives to lead upper-elementary students through forms from paragraphs through essays and reports.

The new Write Away and its skillsbook help second graders develop strong writing, reading, and language skills.

The Write on Course 20-20 handbook and skillsbooks fully update the classic middle-school program, Write Source 2000.

All Write helps middle school students catch up and thrive, whether English is their first or second (or third) language.

New editions of the Write on Track handbook and skillsbook help third grade writers and teachers.

The authors of Writers Express revise and update their classic 4-5 handbook and skillsbooks, aligning them to the new standards.

A set of 2-12 products helps teachers Shift to the Common Core.

The K-8 In Focus series presents hundreds of 10-minute activities to improve social and emotional intelligence.

The Inquire 4-12 handbooks help students gain 21st century skills.

The work text Write for Work teaches students workplace writing skills.

The second edition of the Write for Business handbook helps workplace and government writers.

The authors start work on COMP, Write 1 and 2, and Fusion, which guide college writers.

The middle-school writing handbook Write on Course replaces best-selling Write Source 2000.

The best-selling handbook The College Writer reaches its 3rd edition. (It’s now in its 6th edition.)

The authors complete their K-12 Write Source series.

The Writing Spot and Write One complete the handbook line, K-college.

A revision of Writers INC updates the classic high school writing handbook.

The authors create Write Away for second-grade writers.

The previous edition of the Writers Express 4th grade handbook is published.

The authors celebrate a new millennium with Write Source 2000, a handbook for middle school.

Houghton Mifflin creates Great Source to handle the whole line of Write Source materials.

The classic yellow-covered Writers INC launches a new revolution in writing handbooks.

The authors begin with Basic English Revisited, a handbook for high school writers.