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25 Making Picture Dictionaries


Making Picture Dictionaries

Start-Up Activity

One by one, display interesting pictures and ask your students to identify and define what they see:

  • What does this picture show? (Rainbow) What is a rainbow? (A curve of colors in the sky after a storm)

  • What does this picture show? (Snow) What is snow? (Frozen water falling in flakes from the sky)

Let students know that they will be creating picture dictionaries that give words, definitions, and images to help readers understand.

Think About It

“The picture alone, without the written word, leaves half the story untold.”

—James Lafferty



Page 122 from Write Away

Dictionary-Making Tips

Lead your students step by step through the tips for creating a picture dictionary. First, have students brainstorm general subjects that have words they could draw and define. Have them choose a subject.

Then have students list as many words as they can within the subject area. Have them choose the best words and put them in alphabetical order.

Afterward, have students create their dictionary pages, with a word, a definition, and a drawing on each page.

Once students finish, have them bind their pages together and share them.

LAFS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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Page 123 from Write Away

SAMPLE Dictionary Pages

Have students study the two sample dictionary pages. Point out how each includes a word, a definition, and an illustration. Show that the illustration sometimes includes labels to show parts of something.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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