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Start-Up Activity
One by one, display interesting pictures and ask your students to identify and define what they see:
What does this picture show? (Rainbow) What is a rainbow? (A curve of colors in the sky after a storm)
What does this picture show? (Snow) What is snow? (Frozen water falling in flakes from the sky)
Let students know that they will be creating picture dictionaries that give words, definitions, and images to help readers understand.
Think About It
“The picture alone, without the written word, leaves half the story untold.”
—James Lafferty

Start-Up Activity
One by one, display interesting pictures and ask your students to identify and define what they see:
What does this picture show? (Rainbow) What is a rainbow? (A curve of colors in the sky after a storm)
What does this picture show? (Snow) What is snow? (Frozen water falling in flakes from the sky)
Let students know that they will be creating picture dictionaries that give words, definitions, and images to help readers understand.
Think About It
“The picture alone, without the written word, leaves half the story untold.”
—James Lafferty