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46 Performing Stories


Performing Stories Opening Page

Start-Up Activity

Chose a favorite brief story and read it aloud to your class. Use a different voice for each character in the story, and make the narrator's voice distinct.

Afterward, ask students what you did to make the words come alive. (Acted out parts, used facial expressions, used voices, moved around.)

Let students know that they will work in small groups to prepare a story of their own to perform in front of the class.

Think About It

“I just love the thrill of performing on stage.”

—Lucy Hale

Page 231 from Write Away

Planning to Perform

Read aloud the four steps for planning to perform a story. Then place students in groups of four or five, assigning different stories for each group. Give the groups time to prepare to perform the stories, and recommend that they follow the tips from this page. Supervise their preparation as needed.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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21st Century Skills:

Page 232 from Write Away

Sample Story and Script

Have volunteers read aloud the sample story and script on pages 232–233. Point out the special differences between the two. A script turns the words of characters into lines to perform. When characters don't speak, a narrator moves the story along, giving special details about the actions and setting.  

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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21st Century Skills:
English Language Arts:

Page 234 from Write Away

Performing Tips

Before students perform their stories, review the tips on this page. Encourage students to use eye contact and strong outside voices when they perform. 

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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21st Century Skills:
English Language Arts:

Page 235 from Write Away

Next Step

Have students, individually or in small groups, create a script for the second part of "The Yellow Elephant" story. Point them to the first half of the script on page 233 for help. Consider choosing one student's script and having groups of students perform the entire story.    


LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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21st Century Skills:
English Language Arts: