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04 Keeping an Idea Notebook


Keeping an Idea Notebook Opening Page

Start-Up Activity

Professional writers are aware of everything around them and jot down potential writing ideas all of the time. Why not invite your students to do the same?

Read aloud the opening page. Then begin a whole-class notebook, in which each student offers two or three possible writing topics based on their interests or real life events. Perhaps someone in the class broke his or her arm or someone else just received a pet. Discuss how these ideas could be starting points for stories, reports, and so on. Then encourage students to keep their own idea notebooks.

Think About It

“Most of the ideas for my books I have really don't come from observing my own children as much as from my own childhood.”

—Arnold Lobel

State Standards Covered in This Chapter

LAFS Covered in This Chapter

TEKS Covered in This Chapter

TEKS Covered in This Chapter

Page 030 from Write Away

Notebook Sample

This page from a notebook shows how one student listed ideas (details) for a letter. Planning like this helps students include effective details in their writing. Consider having your students plan a letter to a special relative or friend. Have them list things they would like to say to this special person in their notebooks.

State Standard Reference:
LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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21st Century Skills:
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Page 031 from Write Away

Using Your Notebook

This page explains how students can use their writing notebooks. Point out that it helps to talk about a potential writing idea before getting started. Consider asking students what kind of story they could write about a turtle or poison ivy.

State Standard Reference:
LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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21st Century Skills:
English Language Arts: