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39 Thinking Creatively


Thinking Creatively Opening Page

Start-Up Activity

Display the “Think About It” quotation for your students to see. Ask students to brainstorm ways that a conflict of ideas produces creativity. What are some examples that demonstrate Versace's point? You could point out that Versace, a fashion designer, reveals this idea in her clothing designs, which use colors and shapes that seem out of place on their own but when combined produce unexpected beauty. Tell students that this chapter provides strategies for sparking creativity through a conflict of ideas. 

Think About It

“Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.”

—Donatella Versace


Page 278 from All Write

Becoming a Creative Thinker

Ask for a volunteer to read aloud the tips for thinking creatively. Present a writing prompt based on the fourth tip:

  • Think about a challenging project you need to complete for one of your classes. Briefly write how you plan to complete the project. Then ask: If (fill in any name) had this assignment or challenge, what would he or she do? Predict the person's plan. How similar or different would that person's approach be to yours? Is there something about the person's approach that you could incorporate in your own project? 


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Page 279 from All Write

Asking “What If?” Questions

Review the examples of “What if?” questions. Then have students fill in the blanks to create their own questions:

  • What if _________ and __________ had been friends? 
  • What if _________ could visit the present?
  • What if _________ were made of different materials? 
  • What if _________ had never been invented? How would the world be different? 
  • What if a ________ could talk? 

Now have students choose a question to answer as the topic of a journal entry or blog post. Encourage students to read the tip at the bottom of page 279 if they are having trouble answering the question. 

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