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25 Writing Observation Reports


Writing Observation Reports Opening Page

Start-Up Activity

Ask for a volunteer to read page 177 aloud. Then ask students to write a quick observation report based on the view from their desk. More specifically, for 5 minutes they should record what they see, hear, and feel around them without worrying about getting everything perfect in their sentences. Their goal is to record as many sensory details as they can. (Consider writing along with the students.) Afterward, ask for volunteers to share their reports for discussion. Note the different sensory details included.

Writing observation reports gives you an opportunity to teach the continuous form of the present tense (is running, are sitting, etc.) English Language Learners often have difficulties with the continuous tense.

Think About It

“Writing is not apart from living. Writing is a kind of double living.”

—Catherine Drinker Bowen

LAFS Covered in This Chapter

TEKS Covered in This Chapter

Page 178 from All Write

Sample Observation Report

Ask for a volunteer to read the sample aloud. Then discuss the text, using the side notes as a basic guide. During your discussion, have students identify any sensory details that the writer included.

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21st Century Skills:
English Language Arts:

Page 179 from All Write

Writing Guidelines: Observation Report

Help students think of possible topics for their reports, or select a site for everyone to observe at the same time. Then model the use of a five senses organizer in case students want to use it. (Consider requiring students to address at least three different senses.)

When students are ready to write, point out that they can simply share details in the order they listed them or they can organize them with a beginning, middle, and ending. The model on page 178 features these three parts.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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21st Century Skills:

Page 180 from All Write

Sample Science Observation Report

Be sure that science teachers know that All Write contains a sample science-related observation report. Consider teaming up with a science teacher to assign this type of report, with the details for the report being gathered in the science classroom and the writing carried out in your classroom.

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21st Century Skills:
English Language Arts: