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46 Planning Skills


Planning Skills Opening Page

Start-Up Activity

Discuss setting goals. Point out that goals come in all shapes and sizes. For example, cleaning their room is a perfectly fine short-term goal; improving their math grade for the semester is a good long-term one. Point out that goals can be adjusted as needed.

Give an example of a goal you have for this year. Then ask students to share one of their goals.

Think About It

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”

—Alan Lakein

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Setting Goals

Explain the difference between short-term and long-term goals. A short-term goal is something you can accomplish rather quickly. A long-term goal is a broader goal; it's something big you want to accomplish that might take months or years to achieve. Have students create two short-term goals for the week and one long-term goal for the remainder of the school year. 

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Managing Your Time

Review with students how schedules can help them manage their time. Have students create a schedule for one of their goals. 

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Managing Your Time (Continued)

Share an experience from your own life when time management was particularly crucial. Then demonstrate how to use a daily and weekly planner.

You can also share the weekly planner template with your students. It is available as a download below.

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Completing Assignments

Have a volunteer read aloud the tips for completing assignments. Encourage students to exchange email addresses with one or two classmates as a way to contact each other with questions and reminders about homework.

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21st Century Skills:

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Managing Stress

Review the approaches to managing stress. Then share some approaches that work for you. Ask for volunteers to share their own unique ways of managing and relieving stress. 

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