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Start-Up Activity
This page compares writing to building a home. Ask students if they have ever watched a house being built. What is done first? What is done last? And what steps come in between? List these steps in a logical order for your students to see. Now ask students to imagine a builder trying to do all the steps at once or in a different order. For example, what if someone tried to put up a home's walls before the foundation was in place? Then point out that writers, like builders, must do their work in the proper steps for the best results.
Think About It
“The best advice on writing that I’ve ever received was “Rewrite it!” A lot of editors said that. They were right. Writing is really rewriting—making the story better, clearer, truer.”
—Robert Lipsyte

Start-Up Activity
This page compares writing to building a home. Ask students if they have ever watched a house being built. What is done first? What is done last? And what steps come in between? List these steps in a logical order for your students to see. Now ask students to imagine a builder trying to do all the steps at once or in a different order. For example, what if someone tried to put up a home's walls before the foundation was in place? Then point out that writers, like builders, must do their work in the proper steps for the best results.
Think About It
“The best advice on writing that I’ve ever received was “Rewrite it!” A lot of editors said that. They were right. Writing is really rewriting—making the story better, clearer, truer.”
—Robert Lipsyte