42 Reading Strategies for Fiction


Start-Up Activity

Ask your students how they would define the word fiction (made up stories). Write a definition on the board. Then ask students the following questions:

  • What are your favorite fiction stories or books?
  • How do you get ready to read a story or a chapter?
  • What do you do while you're reading so that you stay focused?
  • What do you do to understand a challenging story?

Write the steps of the writing process on the board: prewriting, writing, revising, editing, and publishing. Ask students how the writing process might relate to the reading process. Are there any similarities? Differences?

Think About It

 “Read like a wolf eats.”  

—Gary Paulsen

Page 310 from Writers Express

Before Reading

Help your students prepare to read by leading them through the previewing tips on this page and the next. Recommend that they use these tips before they read long or complicated texts. Also, let students know that these previewing questions can help them check their understanding during and after their reading.

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Page 311 from Writers Express

During Reading

After discussing the previewing strategies for short stories and novels, your students are ready to begin reading.

Review the first tip for reading. Download and distribute the reading fiction checklist and ask students to consult it and write down answers as they read. If they own a copy of the piece of fiction, they can annotate it as they read.

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Page 312 from Writers Express

During Reading (Continued)

Lead your students through the strategies for active reading. Point out that these strategies will help them fully understand the fiction they read.

Demonstrate how to use some of the strategies with a reading of your choice. Then have students practice the strategies with the sample short story in the coming pages.

Download the checklist from the previous page to equip your students with the questions they can use to visualize scenes.

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Page 313 from Writers Express

Sample Short Story

Provide time for students to read the sample short story on this page. Tell students to answer the questions on the reading fiction checklist (the download from previous pages).

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Page 314 from Writers Express

Sample Short Story (Continued)

Discuss the side notes with your class.  

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Page 315 from Writers Express

Sample Short Story (Continued)

Discuss the side notes with your class. 

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Page 316 from Writers Express

Sample Short Story (Continued)

Finish your review of the short story and side notes. 

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Page 317 from Writers Express

After Reading

Download and distribute the reflecting on fiction checklist. Have students answer the questions.

Download and distribute the plot diagram sheet. Have students fill in the parts for the short story they just read. Then ask students to identify the six parts of a favorite book, movie, or television show.

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Page 318 from Writers Express

After Reading (Continued)

Help students take a closer look at characters by reviewing the character map and character development chart. Templates of both graphics are available as downloads with this page. 

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Page 319 from Writers Express

After Reading (Continued)

A fiction organizer can help your students record all the key parts of a book or story. It brings everything students learned in the other steps together, so if your class did the other steps, you might have them skip this organizer.

As an alternative, you could use this organizer instead of the other steps. Lead your class through each part, and then have them fill in a chart for their next reading assignment.

A fiction organizer template is available as a download.

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Page 320 from Writers Express

After Reading (Continued)

Lead a discussion about rereading. Let your students know that sometimes it is necessary to reread parts or all of a story to understand it well. Other times students might want to reread simply to enjoy favorite parts or to study a special technique used by the author. 

Then review the steps of the rereading process and clarify any confusion students might have about it. 

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