16 Using Learning Logs


Using Learning Logs

Start-Up Activity

Point out that there are two main reasons to write: writing to share and writing to learn. Students should use the writing process when they are writing to share because they need to communicate clearly to an audience. On the other hand, when writing to learn, students can be more direct since they are communicating their thoughts to themselves. A learning log is a form of writing to learn.

Think About It

“Keeping a notebook is the single best way I know to survive as a writer.”

—Ralph Fletcher

TEKS Covered in This Chapter

TEKS Covered in This Chapter

Page 122 from Writers Express

Keeping a Learning Log

Tell your students that a learning log is like a personal journal, but instead of focusing on your life, it focuses on your learning.

Walk your students through the instructions for creating a learning log. Have a student volunteer read the sample learning-log entry at the bottom. Then select one of the activities from page 123 of the student handbook and have your students write a learning-log entry using it.

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Page 123 from Writers Express

Learning Log Activities

Select one of the activities on this page and assign students to use it to write a learning-log entry. Whenever you would like students to write in their learning logs, turn to this page and select an activity for them to do.

You can also give your students additional practice by assigning one or more of the following minilessons.

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Page 124 from Writers Express

Sample Math Log and Sample Science Log

Point out to your students the components of the math and science logs on this page. Note how both include the date, a reflection in writing, and a drawing of the topic. In the math log, the writer also used listing as a strategy for working out a problem.

If you teach math or science as well as writing, assign your students to reflect in writing on their learning in those classes. If you team teach, encourage your partner to use learning logs to deepen student learning in math and science.

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