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Start-Up Activity
Share this story with your students: Kent Brown, publisher of Highlights for Children, knows that publishing is very powerful. He remembers when his fourth-grade teacher posted his Thanksgiving story on the wall. He felt proud to have his story published. That one simple act helped Kent decide on a career in the publishing industry.
Ask your students about their publishing experiences. When were they proudest to share their writing?
Think About It
“You write to be read. That is the bottom line.”
—Jane Yolen

Start-Up Activity
Share this story with your students: Kent Brown, publisher of Highlights for Children, knows that publishing is very powerful. He remembers when his fourth-grade teacher posted his Thanksgiving story on the wall. He felt proud to have his story published. That one simple act helped Kent decide on a career in the publishing industry.
Ask your students about their publishing experiences. When were they proudest to share their writing?
Think About It
“You write to be read. That is the bottom line.”
—Jane Yolen