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Start-Up Activity
Ask your students, "What is the biggest thing that people argue about in our school? How about in our community?" Write student answers on the board and suggest some answers of your own.
Let your students know that an issue that people argue about is called a "controversy." Choose one of the controversies on the board and provide brief background about it. Then ask your students to discuss/debate the issue. Afterward, inform the class that persuasive essays are written about controversial issues.
Think About It
“Opinions cannot survive if one has no chance to fight for them.”
—Thomas Mann

Start-Up Activity
Ask your students, "What is the biggest thing that people argue about in our school? How about in our community?" Write student answers on the board and suggest some answers of your own.
Let your students know that an issue that people argue about is called a "controversy." Choose one of the controversies on the board and provide brief background about it. Then ask your students to discuss/debate the issue. Afterward, inform the class that persuasive essays are written about controversial issues.
Think About It
“Opinions cannot survive if one has no chance to fight for them.”
—Thomas Mann