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Start-Up Activity
Share with your students the following malapropisms:
It's just a doggy-dog world. (dog-eat-dog)
"Don't" is a contraption. (contraction)
He had to use a fire distinguisher. (extinguisher)
Dad says the monster is just a pigment of my imagination. (figment)
He's a wolf in cheap clothing. (sheep's)
My sister has extra-century perception. (extra-sensory)
She was caught between a rock and a hot plate. (hard place)
Usage errors like these are humorous, but other usage errors can confuse a reader and reflect badly on the writer. Tell students that this section serves as a guide to commonly misused words.
Think About It
"My friend complained that she gained ten pounds while she was sedimentary."

Start-Up Activity
Share with your students the following malapropisms:
It's just a doggy-dog world. (dog-eat-dog)
"Don't" is a contraption. (contraction)
He had to use a fire distinguisher. (extinguisher)
Dad says the monster is just a pigment of my imagination. (figment)
He's a wolf in cheap clothing. (sheep's)
My sister has extra-century perception. (extra-sensory)
She was caught between a rock and a hot plate. (hard place)
Usage errors like these are humorous, but other usage errors can confuse a reader and reflect badly on the writer. Tell students that this section serves as a guide to commonly misused words.
Think About It
"My friend complained that she gained ten pounds while she was sedimentary."