31 Writing Book Reviews


Writing Book Reviews Opening Page

Start-Up Activity 

Make a list of your three favorite books. For each book, identify two or three things you like about it. Share your list with your class. Then have your students list their three favorite books and what they liked about each. Point out that these thoughts could be used in a book review. Then ask if there was anything students didn't like about one of the books. Note that a criticism also could be part of a book review. 

Think About It

“There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts.”

—Charles Dickens

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Sample Nonfiction Book Review

Express to your students that reading nonfiction books can broaden their perspective on the people, places, and things that make up our world. Then introduce them to the sample book review on this page. Explain that they will be writing something similar about a nonfiction book they are currently reading or have finished recently. 

As you explore the sample, point out its key parts. Explain that the beginning gets the readers’ attention and the middle paragraphs answer key questions about the book.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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Sample Nonfiction Book Review (Continued)

Have your students read through the remainder of the sample nonfiction book review. Point out the use of the headings in the sample. Explain that they guide readers from section to section in the review. Finally, note how the ending tells why others might enjoy the book but doesn't spoil the book's ending.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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Sample Fiction Book Review

Explain that fiction often presents readers with fascinating characters, interesting settings, and dramatic action. Then introduce them to the sample fiction book review on this page. Explain that they will be writing a similar review about a piece of fiction they are currently reading or have read recently.

Next, examine the key parts of the review as a class. Point out how the beginning hooks readers by sharing an interesting detail about the book. It also introduces the title and the author. Then review how the middle paragraphs answer key questions about the book.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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Sample Fiction Book Review (Continued)

Read the remainder of the sample fiction book review with your class. Point out how the headings in the middle part review what's to come next in the review.

Finally, closely analyze the ending paragraph with your students. Point out how it shares an exciting summary of what happens in the book but doesn't spoil the ending. Note how the ending uses a question: How will anything turn out right? This question speaks directly to the reader, as does the closing line.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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Writing Guidelines

Walk your students through the process of writing a book review. Encourage them to reserve space in a notebook or note-taking device for answering the four main questions of a book review: What is the book about? What do I like about the book? What is the book's theme or message? Why would others like it? Then move on to the drafting tips. Explain that each question should be answered fully in separate paragraphs.

Next, you can discuss the final steps in the writing process: revising and editing. For revising, point your students to the four questions for "Improving Your Book Review." Students should be able to answer "yes" to each question before moving onto editing. If they cannot answer "yes," encourage them to add the missing details. This may require them to go back to the book they were reading. Finally, to help students understand the kinds of questions they should ask themselves when they edit, you can share with them the Editing Checklist download.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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English Language Arts:

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Collection Sheet

You can use the questions on this page to guide your students' prewriting and revising. Make sure to point out that fiction and nonfiction book reviews require different answers to these questions, as noted on this page. Download and distribute the book review collection sheet to help students gather details.

Encourage your students to check this page regularly as they read and write. While reading, they can search for and take notes of answers to the specific questions. While writing, they can use the page as a checklist of key questions to answer in their reviews.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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English Language Arts:

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Sample Book Review Brochure

If you're looking for an alternative assignment to a standard book review, you could have your students create book review brochures. This page features one example. Show your students that the inside pages of the sample brochure answer the key questions from the previous page, only in bite-size pieces. 

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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