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18 Writing Personal Narratives


Writing Personal Narratives

Start-Up Activity

Ask your students, "What is the funniest thing that happened to you this week?" Have them share their stories. Encourage laughter. Point out how people enjoy hearing stories—especially funny, exciting, or spooky stories—about real events that happen to other people. Let students know that when they write down these real stories about their lives, they are creating personal narratives.

Think About It

“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”

—Dr. Seuss

Page 86 from Write on Track

Sample Personal Narrative

Ask students if they have ever seen a wild animal and what animal they have seen. Ask them to tell the story and make it exciting:

  • Who was with you?
  • What did the animal do?
  • What did you do?

After a few students share, read aloud the sample personal narrative on page 86. Then discuss the story:

  • What did you think the title was talking about?
  • When did you have an idea what they were confronting?
  • What was your favorite part of this narrative? Why?
  • How did the writer use dialogue, actions, and descriptions?

You can also share with your students this animal-themed personal narrative or this animal-themed narrative paragraph.

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Page 87 from Write on Track

A Closer Look at Narratives

Ask your students to close their eyes and listen closely. After a few moments, ask them to tell you what they can hear (raising their hands). Call on students one by one to tell about the sounds.

Have them keep their eyes closed and tell what they feel—with their fingers, with the soles of their feet, with their breathing. . . . Take more suggestions.

Then have them open their eyes and tell the most interesting thing they see.

Help students understand that we know things because of our five major senses: what we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. If we include those kinds of sensory details in our narratives, readers will be able to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the experience themselves. They will feel like they are living the experience!

Lead your students through the three main points on this page.

Explain also how specific verbs show readers what is happening rather than just telling them. And dialogue lets them hear the people in the narrative speak, as if they were in the same room.

Encourage students to use these kinds of details when they write their own narratives.


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TEKS Standard:

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Page 88 from Write on Track

Writing a Personal Narrative

Lead your students through the prewriting tips on this page. Help them understand that the best events to write about mean something to them and offer them many memories to share.

After students choose a topic, have them list actions in order or draw a comic strip of what happened to help them put ideas in order.

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Page 89 from Write on Track

Writing, Revising, and Editing

Once students have completed their prewriting, lead them through the tips for creating strong beginnings, middles, and endings. You can use the related minilesson to help students start their stories well.

After they complete first drafts, have students read and revise their work. They can also share their writing with a classmate, who can help them figure out what changes to make.

Finally, have students check for errors in capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

LAFS Standard:
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