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WT 204 Using Technology

Teacher Tips and Answers


WT 204

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Using Technology

Have you ever tried to catch a butterfly? Sometimes, it takes just one attempt. Other times, it requires patience. You might need to try a few strategies before the butterfly will land softly in your net.

Searching the Internet is similar. Sometimes it is easy to find what you are looking for. Other times, you need to be patient. Information flies by when you’re online, and not all of it is right for you. This chapter will help you catch the best information and do other cool things with technology.

Girl Hunting Butterflies
© Thoughtful Learning 2025

WT 205

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Using Email

An email message is like a friendly note or letter delivered online. You can attach photos, sound recordings, and documents, too.

    Sample Email
    © Thoughtful Learning 2025

    1. Send button (Click here to send your finished email.)
    2. Your email address (The computer puts this here.)
    3. Receiver’s email address (You type this in.)
    4. Subject line (You type what your message is about.)
    5. Attachment (Pictures, sounds, and text files can be sent with email.)
    6. Message (Type your message here.)

WT 206

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Using Communication Tools

In addition to email, there are many other ways to interact with other people online.

Video Chat

A video chat is like a face-to-face conversation. You can see and hear the other person. Make sure to speak clearly.

Text Chat

A text chat is a written conversation. You can write brief messages back and forth to someone else. Always be polite.

Blog and Wiki Post

Your class may have a blog or a wiki where you can post messages, reports, stories, images, and more. Your classmates and parents can see what you post, too. So post with care, and always protect your privacy.

Communication Tips

Whenever you communicate online, think carefully about your audience, medium, and tone.

    Audience 🟪 Consider who will see or hear your message.

    Medium 🟪 The medium is how you deliver your message. Will you use an email, a video chat, a text chat? Each medium has certain strengths and weaknesses.

    Tone 🟪 Personal messages can use casual language, but school messages should be more formal. No matter the situation, use a respectful tone.

WT 207

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Exploring the Web

Exploring the Internet often involves clicking on many websites. There are so many interesting sites to visit. Here are a few examples of the types of sites you can use to discover new information.

Search Engines

A search engine is a special tool that helps you find what you need on the Web. To learn how to use a search engine, see the next page.

Online Encyclopedias

If you want to look up something in a hurry, an online encyclopedia may be just what you need.

    Wikipedia 🟪 This site shares information on all sorts of topics—people, places, events, sports teams, animals, and more.

    Kpedia 🟪 This site offers articles designed just for kids.

Electronic Libraries

When an encyclopedia isn’t enough, you may want to visit an online library.

    Library of Congress 🟪 This is the United States Congress’s own library. It’s so huge that you may need help from an adult to find what you’re looking for.

WT 208

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Using Keyword Searches

Every search engine includes a search box. The search box is where you enter keywords to find information about your topic. Here’s how to use keywords:

    1. Type your topic or keyword in the search box.
    2. Click on “search.”
    3. Review the results. Each result will give you a link to a different website.
    4. Try more specific key words if your first search does not give you what you need. For example, “how to attract butterflies” is more specific than “butterflies.”
    5. Don’t give up! Some of your searches will produce many pages of results. The best link for you might not be on the first page.

Student Searching for Butterflies
© Thoughtful Learning 2025

WT 209

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Staying Safe Online

The Internet is a big, busy world, so you need to be careful as you explore it. Use these safe habits.

Ask permission.

Always ask an adult for permission before you go online, and especially before you send an email or chat.

Follow safety rules.

  • House rules: Follow Internet rules set up by your parent or guardian.
  • School rules: Follow Internet rules set up by your teacher.
  • Online rules: Follow age guidelines for websites.

Be polite.

Be both clear and friendly in your online messages.

Be careful with information.

Never give your full name, address, or phone number unless a parent gives you permission.

Sign out.

Many programs have you sign in with a name and password. When you leave the program, always sign out.

Have fun!

Remember that the Internet can be a great place to learn about your world. Enjoy it!

Girl Hunting Butterflies
© Thoughtful Learning 2025

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21st Century Skills:

Standards Correlations:

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Lesson Plan Resources:

Here you'll find a full list of resources found in this lesson plan.

Vocabulary List:
  • email message: note or letter sent over the Internet

  • send button: spot to click to send an emai

  • email address: your username followed by an @ sign and your email provider

  • receiver's email address: code telling where your message will go

  • subject line: brief title that tells what you are writing about

  • attachment: file that rides along with the message, often a document or image

  • message: body of an email, containing the main information

Vocabulary List:
  • video chat: computer conversation using cameras and microphones to allow participants to see and hear each other

  • text chat: computer conversation made up of brief, typed messages sent back and forth

  • blog: website with posts from a specific writer

  • wiki: website with posts from many writers

  • audience: people who read or watch messages posted online

  • medium: the way a message is presented, such as email, text message, blog post, wikii post, or website

  • tone: how your message sounds, indicating your mood, opinion of the topic, and relationship to the reader

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