34 Avoiding Plagiarism


Avoiding Plagiarism

Start-Up Activity

Tell your class, "We are going to play a game. I want each of you to pull out the writing assignment you are most proud of." Wait for them to do so. "Now I want you to cross out your name and write someone else's name on it." They, hopefully, will not comply. "Oh, and I'm going to cross your grade out of the gradebook and put in a grade for the other person."

Of course, your students will find this to be incredibly unfair. Tell them that's what plagiarism is. When you take someone else's ideas and put your own name on them. Plagiarism isn't just sloppiness. It's actually unjust. This chapter will help your students understand what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.

Think About It

“Mr. Fitzgerald, I believe that is how he spells his name, seems to believe that plagiarism begins at home.”

—Zelda Fitzgerald

Page 298 from Write on Course 20-20

Original Article

Help students understand that plagiarism is presenting others' ideas as if they were your own.

Have students read aloud each paragraph in this article about the effects of aging. Then turn to the next page to see examples of how the article's ideas were plagiarized in an essay.

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Page 300 from Write on Course 20-20

Examples of Plagiarism

Lead your students through the examples of plagiarism on this page and warn them that none of these practices is acceptable in their writing. Help them understand that avoiding plagiarism is not difficult. It amounts to citing sources of information. (See the next page.)

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Page 300 from Write on Course 20-20

Avoiding Plagiarism and Other Misuses

Show students how simple it is to avoid plagiarism. They should keep track of sources and credit them when using them, either paraphrasing the original or quoting the exact words.

Also, help students be aware of and avoid the other misuses of sources at the bottom of the page.

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