This suggested yearlong timetable for Write on Course 20-20 presents one possible sequence of writing and language skills units based on a five-days-per-week class. The units and lessons build from basic to more advanced skills throughout the year. In addition, where appropriate, three levels of assignments are given for grades 6 (beginning), 7 (intermediate), and 8 (advanced). You can also download a PDF version of the yearlong timetable along with a scope and sequence.
First Quarter (9 Weeks)
Week |
Write on Course 20-20 Handbook or SkillsBook (SB6, SB7, or SB8) |
1 |
Why Write? xii–xiii Writing in Journals 129–134 |
2 |
One Writer’s Process 7–16 Creating Sentences 79–90 Conventions: Sentence Basics 80–81, 526–530
3 |
Understanding the Traits of Writing 17–22 6 Descriptive Essay 161–162 7 Personal Narrative 145–152 8 Biographical Narrative 158–160 Conventions: Sentence Combining 88–89
4 |
Using Rubrics 23–28 Building Paragraphs 91–102 Conventions: Sentence Problems and Variety 82–87
5 |
Prewriting 29–40 6 Personal Narrative 145–152 7 Phase Autobiography 154–157 8 Feature Story 245–248 Conventions: Noun 531–532
6 |
Writing 41–46 Writing Essays 103–114 Conventions: Pronoun 533–535
7 |
Thinking Critically 439–450 6 Explanatory Essay 167–176 7 Comparison-Contrast Essay 180–183 8 Cause-Effect Essay 184–188 Conventions: Pronoun 536–537
8 |
Revising and Responding 47–58 6 Explanatory Essay (Cont.) 167–176 7 Comparison-Contrast Essay (Cont.) 180–183 8 Cause-Effect Essay (Cont.) 184–188 Conventions: Verb 538–543 6
9 |
Editing 59–64 |
Second Quarter (9 Weeks)
Week |
Write on Course 20-20 Handbook or SkillsBook (SB6, SB7, or SB8) |
1 |
Using Learning Logs 135–138 Taking Notes 463–468 |
2 |
6 How-To Essay 178–179 7 Cause-Effect Essay 184–188 8 News Story 249–254 Conventions: Adjective 544–545
3 |
6 How-To Essay (Cont.) 178–179 7 Cause-Effect Essay (Cont.) 184–188 8 News Story (Cont.) 249–254 Conventions: Adverb 546
4 |
Building Arguments 193–198 6 Argument Essay 199–208 7 Persuasive Poster/Brochure 214–215 8 Problem-Solution Letter 210–213 Conventions: Preposition 547
5 |
Taking Tests 469–477 6 Responding to a Narrative Prompt 163–165 7 Responding to an Explanatory Prompt 189–191 8 Responding to a Persuasive Prompt 219–221 Conventions: Interjection, Conjunction 548–549
6 |
6 Pet Peeve Essay 216–218 7 Problem-Solution Letter 210–213 8 Editorial and Cartoon 255–261 Conventions: End Punctuation 479–481
7 |
Business Letter 344–349 Conventions: Comma 482–483
8 |
6 Email 338–339 7 Minutes 340–341 8 Proposal 342–343 Conventions: Comma 484–485
9 |
Portfolio Review 65–77 Conventions: Review
Third Quarter (9 Weeks)
Week |
Write on Course 20-20 Handbook or SkillsBook (SB6, SB7, or SB8) |
1 |
Reading Nonfiction 369–386 Reading Graphics 397–404 |
2 |
Using Information 351–356 Using the Internet 357–364 Research Report 301–315 Conventions: Semicolon, Colon 486–487
3 |
Conducting Library Research 365–368 Research Report (Cont.) 301–315 Conventions: Quotations Marks and Italics 491–493
4 |
Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting 293–296 Avoiding Plagiarism 297–300 Research Report (Cont.) 301–315 Conventions: Apostrophe 494–495
5 |
Research Report (Cont.) 301–315 Conventions: Apostrophe 494–495
6 |
Preparing a Speech 417–426 Research Report Speech Preparation 301–315 Conventions: Dash, Parentheses, Hyphen 488–489
7 |
Viewing Skills 427–434 Research Report Presentations 301–315 Conventions: Hyphen, Dash, Improving Spelling 488–489 503–510
8 |
Writing Techniques and Terms 115–121 Conventions: Punctuation Review 479–495
9 |
Portfolio Review 65–77 Conventions: Punctuation Review 479–495
Fourth Quarter (9 Weeks)
Week |
Write on Course 20-20 Handbook or SkillsBook (SB6, SB7, or SB8) |
1 |
Listening Skills 435–438 Using Group Skills 457–462 |
2 |
Reading Fiction 387–396 Conventions: Capitalization 496–497
3 |
6 Letter to an Author 239 7 Book Review 236–238 8 Literary Analysis 223–234 Conventions: Capitalization 498–499
4 |
6 Book Review 236–238 7 Responding with a Letter 239 8 Literary Analysis (Cont.) 223–234 Conventions: Plurals, Abbreviations, Spelling, and Numbers 500–502
5 |
Thinking Creatively 451–456 Writing Stories 263–272 Conventions: Using the Right Word 511–513
6 |
Writing Plays 273–276 Conventions: Using the Right Word 514–517
7 |
Writing Poetry 277–291 Conventions: Using the Right Word 518–521
8 |
Writing Poetry (Cont.) 277–291 Conventions: Using the Right Word 522–525
9 |
Portfolio Review 65–77 Conventions: Using the Right Word Review 511–525