23 I feel . . .


I feel . . .

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Children experience a wide range of feelings and may even go through their entire repertoire in a matter of minutes. While they might be perfectly aware of how they feel, they often have difficulty putting it into words. This unit offers opportunities for children to explore their emotions and communicate their feelings.

About the Picture Colorful and creative puppets share these children’s feelings: happy, sad, and shy. Spot comically presents another kind of feeling—being hungry.

Major Concepts

  • Children experience many emotions.
  • It is important for children to express their feelings.
  • Children can relate their feelings through words and pictures.

Daily Lesson Planning

Day 1

  1. Discuss the feelings represented by the puppets in "I feel . . ." Invite students to tell about times when they have had these feelings. Then ask them to share other emotions they experience. Write these words on the board. (For inspiration, remind them of the song “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”)
  2. Share books and poems about feelings.
  3. Implement “I feel . . . ” (BB 60).

Days 2-6

Choose from the following:

  • Implement “Writers use words to tell feelings” (BB 61).
  • Explain that a compliment is like a hug, and list several sentences such as “I like you,” “I want to be your friend,” and “You’re very nice.” Then ask children for other “word hugs” to add to the list. Implement "Word Hugs" as one way to send someone a compliment. Also consider using "We write notes and cards" (BB 16).
  • Pass out paper lunch bags and/or use "A Feeling Face" and have children make puppets that show a certain emotion or feeling. Encourage students to make up little skits with their puppets.
  • Invite the children to make books in which they record their feelings (in words, colors, and pictures) for five days.
  • Have small groups create collages related to a certain feeling. Children may choose one feeling or several related feelings, and draw pictures, paste on magazine pictures, and write words about their topic. Finally, display the collages.
  • Implement "Door Sign" to help children display their feelings at home.

Concluding Days

  1. Have children share their projects, collages, and puppet skits.
  2. Write the words mad, sad, and glad on the board and play a little game. Make up statements about situations children face daily and describe each using one of the words mad, sad, or glad. Examples: “If someone takes my toy, I feel . . . ; When I get hurt, I feel . . . ; When I visit my friend, I feel . . . .” After you read each statement, children may call out one of the words, or volunteers may take turns pointing to the words on the board.
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Additional Activities

These activities offer options for continuing the learning in this unit. Whether your curriculum is skill-based or more open-ended, select the activities that are most appropriate for the children in your classroom. The Writing Spot is primarily a writing program, but writing can be integrated throughout your curriculum—in art, drama, reading, math, and science.

  • Help someone feel better.

People have bad days and good days. Tell children that sending greeting cards is one way to help people feel better when they have been sick or have had a bad day. Consider sending cards from "Smile Note," "I like . . . ," "Star Note," and "Thank-You Note."

  • Listen for feelings in stories.

As you read stories to children, ask them to listen for words that tell how people feel. After the reading, list some feeling words and discuss them. As a follow-up, the children can draw pictures or do skits related to the feelings in the story.

  • Talk about how colors make you feel.

Colors are closely connected to feelings for many people. Read a book about colors. Then provide large colored-paper circles and invite children to write the color words on the circles. Next, ask children to give you words that tell how the colors make them feel. (Red may evoke the words “hot,” “angry,” “happy,” and so on.)

  • Color a feeling rainbow.

Have children imagine what it would be like to live inside of a rainbow. Write the rainbow-color names on the board and show samples of what each rainbow color looks like. Encourage children to think about the colors and about how each color makes them feel. Implement "My Feeling Rainbow."

  • Say good things to change people’s feelings.

Share this proverb: Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Ask children if they believe this is true. Have a class discussion about the power of words—they can hurt someone’s feelings, they can make someone feel good, and so on. Make a list of “feel good” words, and encourage children to use them at school and at home.

  • Send get-well cards when friends or classmates are sick.

Talk about the kinds of cards children would like to receive if they were sick. Would they want funny cards? What kinds of pictures would help? What colors would make them feel better? Have children create get-well cards with pictures and words.

  • Create a set of feeling cards.

Have each child make a simple set of “feeling word” cards that can be displayed on their desks during this unit. Use words like happy, sad, mad, tired, sick. Explain to children that these cards are an important way to let you and others know how they feel. Encourage the children to change the cards as their feelings change. As time permits, initiate conversations with children about their displayed cards and why they feel that way. Laminate the cards, if possible, for durability, and devise a system for attaching them to desks (Velcro strips, perhaps).

  • Send congratulation cards to help friends celebrate special times.

Talk about happy events: a birthday, a new baby brother or sister, a new pet, an accomplishment. Introduce a new word: CELEBRATE. Explain that cards can celebrate a friend’s happiness, and show example cards that do this. Invite children to create their own cards by modeling the cards you have shown.

LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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