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28 Using Capital Letters


28 Using Capital Letters

Start-Up Activity

Read page 128. Then display the following sentences:

my kitten is funny. the dog’s name is moppy.

do you like him? she lives in florida.

billy and katie have a dog.

Have volunteers capitalize the necessary words in each sentence and explain the reason for each capital letter.

Enrichment Activity: Display names of people in your school and community, using all lowercase letters. Ask students to rewrite the names correctly.

Think About It

A and I are each a letter and a word.”


Lesson Plan

  • This page includes three primary rules for using capital letters. Introduce these early in the year and review them regularly.
  • Pair your instruction with "Capital Letters," "More Capital Letters," and "Capital Letters Review" from pages 14-19 in the Write One SkillsBook.
  • Use "Capital Letters" to provide additional practice.
LAFS Standard:
TEKS Standard:
NE ELA Standard:

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