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Start-Up Activity
Read and discuss pages 46 and 47. Then display a colorful photo and ask students to identify what they see and feel when they look at the image. Develop a shared description including some of their ideas. Next, have students individually write a description of their own based on another photo that you provide. Have students use the model on page 46 as a guide.
Enrichment Activity: Take students on a walk outside the school. Ask them to pay careful attention to the sights, sounds, and smells around them. Develop a shared sensory description based on details they identify. Then have students write a sensory description of their own based on another setting.
Think About It
“The bigger something is, the harder it is to describe. If you don’t believe me, try to describe the sky.”

Start-Up Activity
Read and discuss pages 46 and 47. Then display a colorful photo and ask students to identify what they see and feel when they look at the image. Develop a shared description including some of their ideas. Next, have students individually write a description of their own based on another photo that you provide. Have students use the model on page 46 as a guide.
Enrichment Activity: Take students on a walk outside the school. Ask them to pay careful attention to the sights, sounds, and smells around them. Develop a shared sensory description based on details they identify. Then have students write a sensory description of their own based on another setting.
Think About It
“The bigger something is, the harder it is to describe. If you don’t believe me, try to describe the sky.”