Lesson Plan
Nouns: Read page 134. Then turn to any one of the alphabet pages, beginning on page 98. Tell students that most of these words are naming words, or nouns. Discuss whether each word is a person, place, or thing.
- Use "Nouns" and "Proper Nouns" on pages 36-39 in the Write One SkillsBook to provide practice.
- Provide "Nouns" for additional practice.
Pronouns: Read the top of page 135. Then display the following sentences:
- There goes Kurt. He runs fast.
- I met a girl from Arizona. Her name is Sharon.
- “Ellen is with me,” said Mom.
- “I like popcorn,” said Jake.
Explain that the underlined words are pronouns, which take the place of nouns. Ask your students to identify the nouns that the pronouns replace.
- Use "Pronouns" and "More Nouns and Pronouns" on pages 40-43 in the Write One SkillsBook to provide practice.
- Provide "Pronouns" to give students additional practice.
Verbs: Prepare a set of cards with an action verb printed on each one (run, scratch, hop, wave, drink, and so on). Read about verbs on page 135. Then have students pick a card and act out the verb on it. The other students should guess the verb.
- Use "Verbs" on pages 44-45 in the Write One SkillsBook to provide practice.
Adjectives: Read about adjectives on page 135. Then have students turn to pages 176–177. Help them think of adjectives to describe the places shown there. Point out that color words are often used as adjectives.
- Use "Adjectives" and "Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives" on pages 46-49 of the Write One SkillsBook for practice.
Enrichment Activity: Review these parts of speech using "Sentence Building."