Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting helps your students closely read a text, find the main point, select key details, and write an effective summary. Students also learn how to put ideas in their own words and how to correctly quote ideas from an original source. Instructions, activities, examples, interactives, and downloads help students gain new summarizing skills. You can also present this unit right from your interactive whiteboard.
First students warm up their thinking by reading and summarizing a comic strip. Then they read a sample article and summary and respond to them. At that point, they are ready to write their own summaries, using paraphrasing and quoting.
- Prewriting activities help students gather key details from the reading and create a topic sentence that captures the main point.
- Writing activities help students start by naming the article and author and capturing the main point. In the middle, students provide just the key details of the article. The ending wraps up the summary.
- Revising activities help students cite sources and revise with a checklist.
- Editing examples and a checklist help students ensure correct conventions in their summaries.
- Publishing and reflecting activities help students create a clean final copy and generalize their new summarizing skills into all their classes.
This unit also includes extension activities that provide students more experience with paraphrasing and quoting.