Student Model
My Worst Scrape
About three years ago, I was going to my friend’s house to play. On my way I saw the cement Colin’s dad chopped up from his driveway. He was putting in a whole new one. I went and knocked on the door Colin opened the door and I asked if he could play. He called to his mom and told her I was here. We went to his room and started to play. We were having so much fun. After a while I told him I better be going. He said good-bye, and I started walking home. When I started walking by the cement I thought it would be fun to climb it.
I started climbing it. After a while I started running and skipping. Then I tripped over a piece of cement. After I fell I felt pain in my knee, and then Colin’s mom came out and helped me. I rolled up my pants and saw a scrape from three inches long up and down my knee. Colin’s mom walked me home and I went in and laid down. My mom asked if I was all right. I told her the whole story. That was my worst scrape ever.


My Worst Scrape by Thoughtful Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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