Student Model
A Horrible Day
It was a hot summer day, we were getting ready for our camping trip. It would be the worst experience I would ever have.
We got to the camping grounds and we put up our tents and we went for a walk. Everything was going very well, even though I had a funny feeling.
After we returned we had dinner I remember we had some beans, rice, and some chicken my aunt had brought for us. then we made a fire, we all sat around it and talked for a cuple of hours. I still had that funny feeling.
The next day we woke up and went for a walk. I went with my cusins. All of the grown ups staid in the camping area. My cusins kept on teasing me the whole way, they kept on scaring.
Then suddenly I saw them running. I started running after them, but I couldn’t catch up. they had left me behind. I was alone in the woods.
I was so scared, I started yelling out my cusins names, but nobody answered. I was in the woods only for a couple of minuts but it seemed like an eternaty.
After a wile I saw then comeing and 4 of my cusins were laghing at me. I fellt like crying but I didn’t.
When we got back to were my perants were I started crying. I huged my mom and dad and said that I loved them. they were surprised because we weren’t gone long and was already crying that I wanted to go home.
After that horrible day that I will never forget I never went any-were with my cusins.


A Horrible Day by Thoughtful Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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