Student Model
421 E. Carey Street
Cincinnati, OH 45000
December 3, 2017
Ms. Rashida Holloway, Public Relations Director
Good Samaritan Hospital
23 N. Dayton Street
Cincinnati, OH 45000
Dear Ms. Holloway:
On behalf of the Ludlow High School Medical Careers Club, I would like to thank you for all your help and support this past semester. You have been the driving force behind our partnership with Good Samaritan Hospital, a relationship that has benefited our club members.
When we first contacted Good Samaritan to arrange for a speaker, we had no idea how much the hospital would become involved with our club. Our tour of the hospital was great! As we visited the various departments, we learned about different careers in medicine. The best part was getting to watch surgery in progress! Four of us have been able to do this, and three more observations are scheduled for next week. Several of us even plan to start doing volunteer work at the hospital.
We hope you will be able to join us for our Holiday Banquet on December 18 at 6:00 p.m. At that time, we would like to honor you for all your cooperation and hard work. You may call me at Ludlow High School (419-555-1009) to let me know if you can be there. Thank you again for helping make our club special.
Kim Luck
Kim Luck


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