Student Model
340 West Street
Kensington, MD 20894
March 14, 2017
Mr. Martin McNulty, Manager
Good Times Amusement Park
3 Fairfax Boulevard
Rockville, MD 20854
Dear Mr. McNulty:
I am the vice president of the ninth-grade class at Jefferson High School, and my classmates have asked me to organize our class trip. For the last few years, the ninth-grade class has visited historic sights and museums. This year, however, students have expressed an interest in visiting Good Times Amusement Park. Our principal, Ms. Lisa Kastell, has agreed to let us go if we can get answers to a few questions.
- How much would it cost for a group of 200 students to visit the park?
- Do you offer discounts to large groups or to students, the way some museums do?
- Is there a restaurant that could accommodate us or a picnic area that we could use during lunchtime?
- Would we need to pay in advance, or can we pay at the gate? We need a little time to raise the money for the trip, which will be between June 10-14.
- Can your park help us with the special needs of some of our students? One student can’t eat food that contains peanuts. Another needs access for his wheelchair.
Thank you for reading this letter. I hope to here from you soon.
Jessica Ramos
Jessica Ramos


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