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A Handbook for Young Writers, Thinkers, and Learners
Write on Track is a writing handbook for students in grade 3. You'll find guidelines, models, checklists, tips, and much more. Write on Track also helps students become better readers, test takers, and learners. The handbook has five main parts.
- The Process of Writing helps your students learn all about writing, from using the writing process to understanding the qualities of good writing.
- The Forms of Writing section provides guidelines and models for every form of writing. Would you like your students to write in journals or create time-travel fantasies? Would you like them to write essays or news stories? Check out this section.
- The Tools of Learning section helps your students improve skills in reading, speaking, test taking, and using technology.
- The Proofreader’s Guide includes rules and examples to help students with punctuation, spelling, mechanics, usage, and grammar.
- The Student Almanac supports writing across the curriculum with fascinating science facts, helpful math tips, colorful maps, and much more!
A free online Write on Track Teacher's Guide walks you through the student handbook, giving advice for using each page in your classroom. You'll also find free document downloads, related minilessons, additional student models, additional writing topics, videos, and more. And the Teacher's Guide correlates every page to the Common Core State Standards, connecting you to even more resources.
Also, check out the Write on Track SkillsBook, teaching punctuation, capitalization, mechanics, usage, spelling, and grammar.
To see how these components work together, download the Program Overview, which includes a 4-step process for getting started. You also can receive free online professional development for teaching with Write on Track!
Write on Track . . .
- uses colorful art to catch students' eyes and an encouraging voice to keep them reading.
- leads students step-by-step through the writing process: prewriting, writing, revising, editing, and publishing.
- helps students write better sentences, paragraphs, and essays.
- teaches all modes of writing: personal, narrative, explanatory, persuasive (argument), literary, research, creative, and assessment.
- includes high-interest student models and guidelines to help students create similar writing.
- aligns with the new standards, providing close-reading and on-demand writing strategies.
- helps student write well across the curriculum.
- helps students develop learning skills: reading, spelling, speaking, viewing, listening, thinking, studying, collaborating, taking tests, and using technology.
- guides students when editing for punctuation, mechanics, spelling, usage, sentences, and grammar.
An amazing writing tool
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Yes, a book for 'young' writers, but I found this book actually an amazing writing tool to keep on my resource shelf.”
“It talks about the writing process, tools to use, portfolios to create, and publishing your writing. It takes a young writer through the prewriting and drafting stages that include building a file of writing ideas, collecting details/information, and planning and drafting your work.”
“Next it discusses the revising and editing stages, proofreading, and getting help from beta readers/friends. There's discussions on writing paragraphs, summaries, building strong sentences, dealing with run-ons, and the thought process for combining sentences. Grammar is touched on.”
“When you get into the forms of writing, you are introduced to journal writing, the making of albums, lists, friendly notes and letters, to writing personal narratives and family stories. This all prepares you for the next section that discusses the different subject writing out there, such as writing alphabet books, newspaper stories, book reviews, business letters, and explanatory articles.”
“You are shown how to research writing using the library, and because this does target an audience in middle-grade levels, how to research classroom reports, and write photo essays. . . . ”
“I keep this book handy at all times despite its target audience. It's a wonderful resource tool to own. Its simplicity makes for an easy read and clear understanding.”
—J. L. Slipak
★ ★ ★ ★
“[The Write on Track SkillsBook] is written well for learning. I will refer it to other homeschoolers. It is a good companion to the Book.”
—Jenifer Edwards