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Avoiding Double Subjects

A sentence is incorrect if it contains a double subject—a subject with a pronoun right after it. To fix a double subject, delete the pronoun and use the subject only. Or delete the subject and use the pronoun only.
✖ The sheep they look identical. (double subject)
✔ The sheep look identical.
✔ They look identical.
✖ Mark he gave a great classroom presentation. (double subject)
✔ Mark gave a great classroom presentation.
✔ He gave a great classroom presentation.
✖ The bank it is closed today. (double subject)
✔ The bank is closed today
✔ It is closed today.
Your Turn Edit the following sentences to remove the double subjects.
- Phil he plays trumpet in the school jazz band.
- The movie it is awesome.
- Mrs. Anderson she teaches third grade in Illinois.
- Josie her favorite sport is soccer.
- My friend he has a huge collection of sea shells.
- The weather it is turning stormy.
- If you want to know why I called, my homework it is still at school.
- The assignment it is due tomorrow.
- If you don't have the worksheet, Jennie she will give me one.
- Those sheep they really look like clones.

Avoiding Double Subjects by Thoughtful Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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