Student Model
The Person I Want to Be
The only person I’d ever be interested in being is president, because there’s never been a girl president.
I think it would be neat to be the head of the country, but I would also do it to help others. For example, I’d set up more reserves and laws for endangered animals and try to raise money for homeless shelters, orphanages, (ect.)
I would be glad to only do it for the day though. because I know it would also be hard work.
One thing I would be exited about is living in the White House! I’ve always wondered what it looked like inside but to live there would be awesome!
Even though I would only be a president for one day, I would try to be a good president.


The Person I Want to Be by Thoughtful Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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