Student Model
The Influence of Gangs in Our Community
The influence of gangs in our community is very disgusting and disgraceful becuase of the things they do and the ways they do them like killing, abusing or sometimes they even kidnap people.
First of all It’s a very bad influence on people. Especialy on Children because some children look up to gang members becuase of the fancy life style they live. Gang members use different signs and symbols for communicating with each other and they are recognized by the colors they wear. Sometimes the signs and symbols they use encourage fights with other gangs.
Gang members are very violent when they want to get even with someone or if they are an enemy of someone, they would get even with that person by killing or abusing the person or sometimes they even kidnap poeple. They also use and sell drugs. Gang members have a very short life style.
Almost all gang members have a police record they are always robbing buildings or holding up people in stores and take their money, jewelry and other valuable things. They have very limited education, well, most of them.
I hope and pray to God every night to bles the children of today and tomorrow and lead them away from such evil activities like violence and gangs.


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