Writing Narrative Arguments breaks down the barriers between storytelling and logical argumentation, guiding your students step by step through the process of blending narrative and argument to support a convincing position. Instructions, activities, examples, interactives, and downloads help students first create an original argument essay, then draft a narrative story related to the topic of the argument, and finally combine the two into a compelling narrative argument. Along the way students will learn the key skills for both modes. You can present all the lessons from this unit right from your interactive whiteboard.
Students warm up their thinking by connecting claims with anecdotes. Then they read a sample narrative argument. After responding to the sample, they follow the steps of the writing process to create an argument essay and a narrative and combine the two into a single essay.
- Argument prewriting activities help students research a controversial topic, analyze opposing positions on it, and choose a side to support. Students then outline reasons, gather evidence, and respond to objections.
- Argument writing activities teach students how to capture readers' interest and lead to the position statement. Students then develop a logical argument with effective support and create an ending that sums up the position and encourages the reader to agree or take action. Students draw inspiration from a sample argument essay written by another student.
- Narrative prewriting activities help students select a person whose story connects with the argument, answer the 5 W's and H about the story, and gather narrative details.
- Narrative writing activities help students write a compelling beginning to the story, use a variety of narrative techniques to tell the main part of the story, and end strongly.
- Assembling activities give students step-by-step guidelines for combining their argument essay with their narrative, including how to create a rhetorical bridge between genres.
- Revising activities show students how to elaborate ideas and pace the narrative portion of their writing. They also share their work with a peer and use a revising checklist to improve their work.
- Editing activities help students correct problems with pronoun usage and master punctuation around dialogue. An editing checklist guides students in correcting punctuation, capitalization, spelling, usage, and grammar.
- Publishing activities encourage students to share their clean final copies with others and reflect on what they have learned.