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A Student Handbook for Writing and Learning
Write on Course 20-20 is the perfect resource to help 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students become better writers, readers, test takers, and learners. It overflows with writing guidelines, models, checklists, tips, and much more.The handbook has five major sections.
- The Process of Writing answers questions about writing, from selecting a topic to proofreading a final draft.
- The Forms of Writing section contains help for writing essays, reports, stories, poems, and many other documents.
- The Tools of Learning section helps students effectively study, read, listen, speak, and take tests.
- The Proofreader’s Guide provides rules and examples for punctuation, capitalization, spelling, grammar, and much more.
- The Student Almanac equips students with fascinating facts for writing in English, science, social studies, and math!
If Write on Course 20-20 looks familiar, you've probably used its predecessor: Write Source 2000! What's new in this edition?
- Fully updated models, illustrations, and instructions meet the needs of modern students and teachers.
- New standards alignments teach the skills students need to succeed in school, college, and career.
- Close-reading chapters focus on analyzing informational and literary texts.
- Assessment-writing chapters help students write on-demand responses to narrative, explanatory, argumentative, and literary prompts.
- Writing across the curriculum (WAC) chapters for science, social studies, and math help students learn in all content areas.
- Information, media, and technology literacy chapters equip students with 21st century skills for our information age.
- A free online Write on Course 20-20 Teacher's Guide walks you through each page of the student handbook with downloads, minilessons, student models, writing topics, videos, and more.
A free online teacher's guide provides teaching suggestions, models, minilessons, topic ideas, videos, digital downloads, and much more. It correlates every page of Write on Course 20-20 to the Common Core State Standards.
Also check out the Write on Course 20-20 SkillsBooks, which teach punctuation, grammar, mechanics, usage, and spelling for Grade 6, Grade 7, and Grade 8.
To see how these components work together, download the Program Overview, which includes a 4-step process for getting started. You also can receive free online professional development for teaching with Write on Course 20-20!
Write on Course 20-20 . . .
- connects with students using colorful art and an encouraging voice.
- leads students step-by-step through the writing process: prewriting, writing, revising, editing, and publishing.
- helps students write better sentences, paragraphs, and essays.
- models writing for different purposes: personal, narrative, explanatory, persuasive (argument), literary, research, imaginative, and assessment.
- includes dozens of high-interest student models of writing.
- supports student writers in all classes across the curriculum.
- helps students improve learning: reading, spelling, speaking, viewing, listening, thinking, studying, collaborating, taking tests, and using technology.
- guides students when editing for punctuation, mechanics, spelling, usage, sentences, and grammar.
Recommend them 100%
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Love their material for teaching. Have used them for the past 22 years when they were with Houghton-Mifflin. Recommend them 100%.”
—Marie I. Grau
Thoughtful Learning Language Arts
“The Thoughtful Learning language arts series has been developed over many years and is now a complete series for kindergarten through high school. The series is based upon the original Write Source books that have been very popular among homeschoolers in the past.”
“Courses teach both composition and grammar, integrating grammar and usage lessons with composition skills in daily lesson plans. For most grades, courses have four components: a full-color student handbook that serves as both text and reference book, a student SkillsBook, a teacher’s edition for the SkillsBook which serves as an answer key, and a teacher’s guide. While you need to purchase the first three components for each course, the teacher’s guide is free online. . . . ”
“The new courses have teacher’s guides with daily lesson plans (under “yearlong timetable”) showing specific page assignments from both course components that students will be using. In another section of the guide are fully detailed lesson plans for classroom presentation. I love the way the timetable has direct links to the detailed lesson plans, so you have easy access when you want to use them but otherwise have only brief assignment information to view.”
“Other elements of each teacher’s guide are a section with additional handouts and activities, getting started activities to familiarize students with each course, guides for assessment, and correlations to Common Core State Standards. These courses strongly align with the Common Core standards, including such skills as writing across the curriculum and answering test questions requiring close reading. . . . ”
“Attractive cartoon illustrations, integration of grammar and composition, clear instruction with examples, and a relatively easy approach to learning grammar all make the series appealing to both students and parents.”
—Cathy Duffy