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Answering Objections

When you are arguing for a specific position, you want to provide plenty of reasons to support your point.
Position: The United States needs to address the growing problem of income inequality.
Reason 1: In the last 20 years, wealth has continued to rise for the top 20 percent of earners, but has stagnated or is declining for the rest.
Reason 2: In that same time period, U.S. workers have consistently increased productivity.
Reason 3: Many top economists, including Alan Greenspan and George Friedman, predict that continued growth in income inequality could destabilize the economy and the country.
One of the most powerful reasons to support a position is an answer to an objection. If you recognize an opposing viewpoint and provide an answer, you can counteract one argument against your position. You can also show readers that you have considered opposing viewpoints and have come to a different conclusion.
Opposing Viewpoint: Some argue that the top 20 percent of earners are job creators, so their increase in wealth will lead to more employment opportunities for the 80 percent.
Answer to Objection: However, this "trickle-down" approach has not produced increases in household wealth for those in the middle class or below in the last 20 years, and many of the new jobs created are lower paying than the jobs that have been lost.
Your Turn Build an argument using strong reasons and answering an objection:
- Write down a position that you would like to support.
- Write at least three reasons to support your opinion.
- Then write an opposing viewpoint to your position.
- Finally, write an answer to the opposing view, arguing against it.
Consider turning your work into an argument essay.

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