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Writing a Fictionalized Diary

A diary is a personal record of your own daily actions, experiences, and observations, with reflections and random thoughts thrown in for good measure. Keeping a diary lets you think about your life and improve your writing skills.
As a fun alternative, consider writing a diary entry about the life of an object in your school—such as a pencil, paintbrush, or microscope. For example, here's how a pencil might begin a diary entry.
October 20, 2017
Dear Diary,
Today, I was sharpened. This was a big deal because . . .
Your Turn Write a diary entry or blog post from the perspective of an object in your classroom or school. To help you get started, consider how your object would answer these questions:
- What things have you “seen”?
- What conversations have you “heard”?
- Where do you “live,” and what do you “do”?
- When do you feel lonely? When do you feel loved?
- What are your hopes, dreams, or ambitions?

Writing a Fictionalized Diary by Thoughtful Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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