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Using Commas with Numbers and Interjections

Minilesson Print

Using Commas with Numbers and Interjections

Rain on a window

Your Turn Read the comma rules about numbers and interjections. Then read the paragraph, which needs commas. Write each number or interjection and show where a comma should go, or print the lesson to mark your corrections.

Comma Rules:

  1. In large numbers, put a comma after the place for thousands, millions, billions, and so on: 1,186,000.
  2. Do not place commas in years: 1776 or 2018.
  3. Place a comma after an interjection (a word or phrase that shows emotion).
  4. If the interjection comes in the middle of a sentence, place the comma before and after it.


  • Rain, Rain, Go Away

    Using Commas with Numbers and Interjections
  • Rain, Rain, Go Away (corrected)

    Using Commas with Numbers and Interjections

From pages 433-435 in Writers Express

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