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The Best Preventive Medicine
Obesity is a real problem here in America—especially considering how unhealthy it is to be overweight. People need to be much more aware of the harmful effects of inactivity and of the positive effects of exercise and increased activity.
People gain weight for many different reasons, but it all comes down to the amount of activity they are involved in. If they eat and do little to burn the fuel entering their system, then the body “thinks” it’s lucky because it doesn’t have to do anything. It has all the food it needs for the moment. The food that isn’t needed to keep the body running is stored as fat to be used when the good times end. That’s how people gain weight.
Normally, this weight gain is healthy. It allows someone to go without food, if necessary, by breaking down the fat and using it as fuel. This is the way humans survived famines and poor harvests in the past. But now, in America, people rarely have to worry about not getting enough food. Instead, people need to worry about not getting enough exercise.
In order to be healthy, everyone needs to exercise. The human body is made up of muscle, bone, tendons, and a number of other essential parts. All of these parts benefit from exercise because they are made stronger as they are used. In addition, the increased blood flow encouraged by exercising helps to clean out toxins that build up. When these toxins are eliminated, the body feels better and stronger.
Physical activity also releases into the bloodstream chemicals that have a variety of effects. Some of them deaden pain and allow people to work out without feeling discomfort from minor aches and pains; others benefit emotions, making people mentally healthier.
Apart from the general benefits of working out, there are a number of diseases that can be prevented almost completely by exercising regularly. Overweight people who don’t exercise may develop diabetes, a disease that requires regular injections and can be deadly in the long run. Heart attacks and heart disease are also more common in out-of-shape people whose bodies become so weak that even walking can be dangerous.
It’s easy to think of exercise as preventive medicine because of all the benefits it offers. Over time, exercising regularly allows people to live longer and happier lives by preventing diseases and making them strong enough to enjoy themselves. For the benefit of improved long-term health, it seems clear that people should add regular exercise to their daily routines.


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