When students plan a project, they should set the project's goal and objectives. When students evaluate a project, they should use the same goal and objectives, seeing how their work measures up to their expectations. They may have actually exceeded their expectations in some ways, and may have fallen short in others. By evaluating their projects in this way, students discover improvements that they can make. Watch this video to see how to connect planning and evaluation.
Using a Rubric Sheet
Inquire: A Guide to 21st Century Learning provides a rubric sheet for rating projects. The first column of the rubric sheet contains the project's goal and objectives, which were drawn from the planning sheet that students completed earlier. The second column allows students to evaluate each part of the project to see if it matches the original plan. The third column allows students to jot notes about ways they could improve their work. The last columns provide a numerical rating.
Percentage Grading
Note that the total at the bottom functions as a percentage score for the project—with a possible of 20 extra credit points for those who far exceed expectations.