Inquire can be the main handbook for students in project-based learning programs. The handbook helps students develop their inquiry skills, with specific chapters for questioning, planning, researching, creating, improving, and presenting. Then Inquire puts those inquiry skills to work with dozens of engaging projects for learning content in any class or setting.
Projects in Inquire
You and your students can peruse Part III of Inquire to discover a variety of projects and find one that sparks interest:
- Basic writing projects: Paragraphs, summaries, e-mail, instructions, narratives, poems, plays, essays
- Advanced writing projects: News reports, observation reports, lab reports, proposals, business letters, argument essays, research papers
- Graphing projects: Pie graphs, line graphs, bar graphs, tables, diagrams, time lines, flowcharts, infographics
- Web projects: Glogs, digital stories, blog posts, wiki posts, Web pages, Web sites
- Audio-visual projects: Podcasts, slide shows, public service announcements, videos
- Design projects: Cartoons, posters, T-shirts, brochures, blueprints, scale models, Rube Goldberg machines
- Performing projects: Speeches, demonstration speeches, live interviews, debates, plays
- Community projects: Events, contests, campaigns, clubs