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Teacher Tips and Answers

Page 516

516.1 cymbal, symbol

A cymbal is a plate-like metal instrument. A symbol is one thing that represents another thing or idea.

Trumpets blared, cymbals clashed, and the colorful flag, a symbol of our country, waved above us.

516.2 dear, deer

Dear means “loved or valued” and is also used as an interjection. Deer are woodland animals.

“Oh, dear. They’re serving venison (deer meat) tonight,” whispered my vegan friend.

516.3 desert, dessert

A desert is a barren wilderness. Dessert is a food served at the end of a meal.

On our desert hike, we ate prickly pear fruit for dessert.

(The verb desert means “to abandon”; the noun desert, pronounced like the verb, means “a deserved reward or punishment.”)

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