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"Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them,
and pretty soon you have a dozen.”
—John Steinbeck
Creating a Writing Resource
Writers tend to be curious—observing, listening, wondering, jotting. They are like magpies, gathering shiny things and building bedazzled nests out of them. Use the strategies below to gather your own trove of shiny writing ideas.
■ Maintain a Writing Notebook or Folder
Throughout your day, interesting topics crop up. Grab them. Record them in your notebook as starting points for writing.
■ Read Like a Writer
Stay alert to ideas from your readings. Write down odd names, alternate endings, fun descriptions, interesting conflicts—anything your reading suggests. They could inspire you.
■ Watch People
Observe how they live their lives. Imagine being inside their heads, experiencing what they are experiencing.