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Teacher Tips and Answers

Page 361

2. Analyze words using “The 7 Steps.”

  1. Look at the word and say it aloud. (imperfection)
  2. Write the word and say it slowly—syllable by syllable. (im/per/fec/tion)
  3. Study the word for “meaning units,” which would include prefixes, suffixes, base words, and roots: (Im means not, perfect is the base word, and tion means state of.)
  4. Find the base word or word root and say it slowly. (per/fect)
  5. Listen for the number of sounds you hear in each syllable versus the number of letters. If the numbers are different, figure out why. Double consonants? Silent letters?
  6. Say the word again, syllable by syllable, and write it without looking at it. (imperfection)
  7. Check to make sure you have spelled the word correctly.

Tip Using “The 7 Steps” can obviously help you with your spelling, but it can also help you with the pronunciation and meaning of a word as well. That makes it well worth using.

3. Use word families.

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