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Teacher Tips and Answers

Page 320

6. Reread the story.

If you are still confused or unclear about some part of the story, you may want to reread all or part of it. You can also reread simply to enjoy favorite parts or to study any special techniques that the author uses.

Note Sometimes you may get distracted while you’re reading. Other times, you may need to think more about a story. These are good reasons to reread.

A Rereading Process

Scan the story. 🟪 Now and then, stop, think, and retell the story to yourself. If you have trouble retelling a part, think about why:

_____ Do I need to find out the meanings of any words?

_____ Did I miss signal words like “because” or “nevertheless”?

_____ Did I get lost because of the pronouns (he, him, they, she, her)?

_____ Am I unsure of who did what to whom?

_____ Did I miss an inference? (An inference is an idea you figure out from your own knowledge and experience. It is not directly stated in the story.)

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